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Getting Started

Selecting a memorial for a loved one that honors and reflects their personality is one of the most important decisions many of us will have to make during our lifetime. Selecting this monument also comes at a time when our loss weighs heavy on our hearts, and making such decisions is difficult at best. 
  At Charlestown Monument Company, we understand the importance and difficulty of this situation and offer a friendly and personal process that will honor and respect your loved one for a lifetime. We specialize in artistic custom designed memorials of highly skilled craftsmanship, and offer a variety of services ranging from monument production to cemetery services.

Where do I start?

Know Cemetery Rules

When beginning the process of purchasing a monument, it is important to know what rules may apply at the cemetery where it will be placed. Many cemeteries have rules that not only restrict the size of the monument, but may also dictate what type of monument you may have. Never assume based on other stones nearby, because they could be in the next section with a different set of rules. Once you know what restrictions apply, then you can narrow your choices.

Selecting a Monument 

Tips on Selecting a Memorial

When selecting a memorial, there are three main factors to consider: (1) Type, (2) Material, and (3) Design.


The type of a monument refers to the shape, size, and finish of the stone. Granite can be made into any shape you request. As a result, these factors will change the feel and appearance of the monument as well as the price. The most common type of monuments include: markers (flush and bevel), slant, tablet and base (horizontal and upright) and colonnades. In addition, the stone can also be carved into unique or symbolic shapes such as a heart, shamrock, cross, or even left rough cut as a boulder. You are only limited by imagination and budget.


When choosing the material you need to consider quality, appearance, and price. Granite is the best material suited for monuments because it is extremely hard, does not corrode, and will last for centuries. Granite is available in several colors giving the memorial a unique appearance; therefore, careful consideration should be given to the look you want. See granite samples.

Designing a Monument

The final step is the design. This usually consists of the layout for the names, dates, and other information, as well as a decorative pattern perhaps incorporating some symbolism. While we have several designs to choose from, you are not limited to these designs. You can choose from a large selection of clip art for different panels, flowers and symbols and custom design your own, or modify an existing design by mixing and matching different design elements. Once you have an idea of what you want, we will generate a draft of your memorial so you may see exactly what it will look like before it is actually made. You will have the opportunity to make any changes you prefer at this time to ensure that you are completely satisfied with your decision.

The Purpose of a Monument

A monument is an important part of our way of life and is a reflection of the love you shared with your loved one. It should not reflect sorrow but celebrate the warmth and affection of life. It can inspire faith and hope for the living, and speak out as a voice to generations yet to come.

Please feel free to come in and have a counselor assist you in choosing a memorial appropriate for your special needs.

Check out other options

Monuments, Markers, Slants & more. Check out our many options available.
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Sculptural Monuments
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Sculptural Monuments
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